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Every week Joe Slepski and a special guest breaks down an episode of G.I. Joe A Real American Hero, designed to watch along with the episode you're watching! We are also on Patreon at where you can get access to my entire back catalog of episodes and get exclusive access to my newest podcast, Joe on Joe Illustrated!

Thanks for checking out my show and now you Joe... and Joeing is half the battle.

Dec 27, 2023

Ring in the New Year with part 2 of the 1989 Action Force Annual story, Havoc in the Outback!

My dialect and accents are really something to behold on this episode.

I'll bet the Movies and a Meal Podcast team are excellent with accents, because they cover ALL the movies from all over the world!

Dec 20, 2023

Another fireside chat as I break down part 1 of the prose story, Havoc in the Outback from the excellent 1989 Action Force Annual!
Also excellent, The Movies and a Meal Podcast! Give them a shout...

Dec 13, 2023

Wrapping up our dive into the 1987 Battle Action Force Annual this week! It's a disjointed Cobra has a plan that Action Force must foil type of adventure, with some really great artwork!

Also, this is my first recording on a new computer setup, so I'm still sorting out some settings! If it sounds weird, blame that!


Dec 6, 2023

Back from the sick ward this week to dig into the second part of our Action Force 1987 Annual, the story titled... Storm Shadow!
It's a great, savage read. Not a lot of surprises, but if you like seeing the best there is at what he does, doing what he does best, you'll enjoy this episode. I'm talking about Storm...

Nov 29, 2023

Sorry, another week sick. Voice isn't here yet. But I WILL BE BACK next week!